Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Earthquake Article

Japan Earthquake and Tsunami
Mt. Saints Helens Volcanic Eruption
Indonesian Earthquake and Tsunami
1906 San Francisco Earthquake

Pick one of the natural disasters above.  Read the article by clicking on the link.  Once you have read it you can choose from the following 3 options:
                     -Draw a picture of what you think this event might have looked like.
                     -Write a story or poem about this event.
                     -Create a newspaper article telling about this event.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Density Models

Density of Liquids
Density Practice Problems
Click on each link
1.  Go to File- Make a copy
     Rename the file as your first and last name.
2.  Follow the instructions on each document.
3.  Share with nikell.dodge@washk12.org when finished.